F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 42

F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
In PAO oligomerisations, metallocene cat-
alysts are capable of making products at high
productivity across a broad range of molecular
weights and viscosity without isomerisation.
In addition, metallocene catalysts are known
to produce polymers with narrowmolecular
weight distribution andwith controlled tacticity.
These unique features lead to base stock
products (mPAO) with high performance
features such as higher viscosity index (VI),
lower pour points and better shear stability than
conventional products.
This presentation examines the relationship
betweenmetallocene catalysts, the structural
features of mPAO and the unique property
advantages that these features provide.
Specific topics will includemPAO architecture,
branch length and chain dimensions and their
influence on viscosity, VI and low-temperature
properties. In addition, the narrowMWD asso-
ciatedwithmetallocene products will be linked
to significant improvements in shear stability
relative to conventional PAO.
AlinaLireceivedaPhD in
ScienceandTechnology in
2011.Alinathen joined
appliedtechnicaldevelopmentengineer inthe
butyldepartment. In2014,Alinamovedtothe
12 March | Thursday 14:00 | 17:30
Paul Nai, Lubrizol Southeast
Vice Chairman:
Kazuo Yamamori, Tribol-
ogy Material Dept., Toyota Motor Corp.
Expectations forEngineOil
Thursday 12 March 09:05 | 09:30
ToyotaMotor Corp.
Improvement of fuel economy has been
one of the most important challenges for
the automotive industry. The turbocharged,
direct-injection spark ignition engine with
downsizing is one of the technical solutions
that has been used in the market. In the
case of diesel engines, the turbocharger
has to be utilised to meet strict emissions
regulations along with fuel economy
improvement requirements. In both cases,
engine oil technology plays a very import-
ant role in order to avoid potential problems
in the market.
Toyota has actively presented the
results from its research in order to facilitate
proactive actions in the industry towards
developing improved engine oil standards.
Collaborative improvements among related
industries will benefit all stakeholders, cus-
tomers who use vehicles and engine oils,
the auto industry and the oil and additive
Satoshi Hirano of Toyota
Motor Corp. has been
responsible for the engine
lubricant development and
the research of engine
oil-related phenomena in the engine division
since 2007. Before joining Toyota in 2006, he
worked for Chevron Oronite for 12 years as an
engine oil formulator.
Satoshi received a masters degree of
science and engineering in chemistry from
Tsukuba University in Japan in 1994.
Update of JASODiesel
Engine Oil Standard for
Valve TrainWear Test
Thursday 12 March 09:30 | 10:00
HinoMotors, Ltd.
The JASO Valve Train Wear Test Method
was introduced 16 years ago. The test
engine 4D34T4 and the reference engine
oils (REOs) have been discontinued. Diesel
engines are highly advanced technically to
meet every stringent emissions regulation, as
are diesel engine oil technologies.
In April 2012, the JASO Diesel Engine Oil
Standard Revision Task Force was estab-
lished, which consisted of the Petroleum
Association of Japan (PAJ) and the Japan
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