F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 45

F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
Sunthorn Predapitakkun is a senior researcher
at the PTTResearch andTechnology Institute.
He joined PTTPublicCompany Limited in
1997 after receivinghismaster’s degree in
organic chemistry fromMahidol University. He
has hands-on experiences indeveloping and
performance testing for 2T and 4T formulations
aswell aswith field tests for those formulations.
Additionally, he also has experience in field
tests for both heavy-duty trucks and light-duty
passenger cars. His research of interest is devel-
oping engine oils and field testing engine oils
for gasoline andbi-fuel passenger cars.
LimPei Yi is a technologist with InfineumSinga-
pore Pte. Ltd. Her responsibility is deployment
of crankcase, small-engine and large-engine
engine oils for theAsia Pacificmarket. She
graduatedwith a bachelor’s degree in chemical
engineering from theNational University of
Bio-Diesel (FAME)
Thursday 12 March 11:30 | 12:00
IsuzuMotors Ltd.
Use of fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in au-
tomobile diesel fuels in Southeast Asia is ex-
panding. FAME can be blended up to a cer-
tain amount of volume into automobile diesel
fuel as general market diesel fuel. However,
when the amount of FAME becomes larger
than a certain amount, the unique character-
istics of FAME start appearing significantly.
One of the typical characteristics of FAME
is cold performance (filterability). In general,
items related to cold properties are consid-
ered carefully when FAME-blended diesel
fuel is introduced in cold regions. When large
amounts of FAME are being blended into
diesel fuel in warm or hot regions, a similar
consideration is needed.
Takashi Hoshino joined ISUZU
Motors in 1988. Then in 1989,
Takashi obtained aDoctor of
Science degree (ScD) in
chemistry from the Science
University of Tokyo. Since 1995, he hasworked
as a research engineer in lubricants, and since
1997, he hasworked as a research engineer in
fuel. In 2003, Takashi baganparticipating in
workinggroups in regards to fuels and
lubricants in the JapanAutomobileManufactur-
ers Association (JAMA) and JapanAutomobile
StandardsOrganization (JASO). He is the leader
of the bio-diesel workinggroup in JASO.
Commercial Presentation
Thursday 12 March 13:00 | 13:30
Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC
Vanderbilt Chemicals presents two of
our next generation lubricant additives to
the marketplace. MOLYVAN® 3000 enters
the market with a unique composition that
provides superior fluid compatibility at low
temperatures. This molybdenum dithiocar-
bamate enhances the robustness of your
engine lubricant by maintaining friction
reduction in aged oils when other additives
fail. VANLUBE® W 324 brings the benefit of
tungsten into your lubricant application. It is
designed to perform in the extreme condi-
tions of high temperature and long-term oxi-
dative environments. VANLUBE® W 324 acts
to preserve the effectiveness of traditional
corrosion, antiwear, and antioxidant additives
of both passenger car and heavy-duty diesel
oils in stressful environments.
DavidBoudreaubegan his
career in 1991 as a lubricant
additives chemist for Texaco
AdditivesCo. He later received
his PhD from theUniversity of
Massachusetts, with a dissertation on the shear
flowdynamics of nematic liquid crystal
polymers. His post-doctoral workwas at the
University of Connecticut HealthCenter-Center
for Cell Analysis andModeling, where he
workedon the synthesis and applications of
near-infrared secondharmonic generating
dyes for neurological imaging.
For the last 10 years, Davidhas been a
member of the research anddevelopment
teamat Vanderbilt Chemicals, LLC located in
Norwalk, Conn., U.S.A. His primarily responsi-
bilities include the discovery anddevelopment
of novel multifunctional additives to improve
energy efficiency, deposit andoxidation control
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