F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 46

F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
andwear protection for the newgeneration
of industrial and engine lubricants. He is also
responsible for providing technical support
toVanderbilt’s Petroleumbusiness aswell as
manufacturing support for the production of
Vanderbilt’s broad lubricant additive product
line. He holds a number of patents andpatent
applications in the area of lubricant additives.
Organized by Clean Air Asia
Panel Discussion Webinar sponsored by
Asian Clean Fuels Association
Thursday, 12 March 14:00 | 17:30
Glynda Bathan, Clean Air Asia
Ritchie-Anne Rono, Clean
Air Asia
EmissionStandards inAsia
Thursday, 12 March 14:05 | 14:30
AsianClean Fuels Association (ACFA)
The European Commission conducted
the Auto-Oil I program in the 1990s to 2000,
where they introduced transport fuels
with improved qualities throughout the
European Union. They found that higher
fuel quality standards of at least Euro 3 and
4 resulted in improved air quality through-
out the region. Since then, countries in the
European Union have introduced higher
fuel quality standards in their fuel legisla-
tions. Today, countries all over Europe have
adopted, at least, Euro 5 in their fuel legis-
lations, creating a harmonised fuel quality
and emission standards.
The situation is very different in Asia,
where fuel policies are fragmented be-
tween the Asian countries. Some countries,
like Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and
China, have advanced fuel policies and
started to implement Euro 5 or similar fuel
quality standards. Others are still lagging far
behind. There are many factors that contrib-
uted to the fragmentation of fuel policies in
Asia, such as differences in gross domestic
product (GDP) between Asian countries, af-
fluence level of its population and the types
of vehicles used in each country.
Nonetheless, the recent concern over
poor air quality in Asia, particularly in urban
areas where vehicle population are higher,
has sparked off the critical push for Asian
countries to review their fuel legislations
and emission standards. Asian countries are
slowly starting to look at improving their fuel
quality standards to reduce emissions and
pollutants, to attain better air quality in their
respective countries.
Taking the European Auto-Oil program
as an example, ACFA aims to highlight the
need to have better fuel quality standards
and the benefits it would bring. Having
a harmonised fuel quality and emission
standards will not only improve the quality
of lives for the Asian population, but also
benefit Asia as a region.
Clarence Woo has been
involved in the oil, gas and
petrochemical industry for the
past 20 years. He started his
career with Mobil Oil
Singapore and has had numerous
responsibilities within Mobil Oil. They include
providing technical expertise and training in
the field of lubricants, fuels and LPG.
Clarence worked in Ethyl Corporation as
a senior area manager managing petroleum
additive sales to various countries in the
Asia Pacific. He had also served as a prod-
uct manager of fuel additives, where he had
helped manage fuel additive sales and fuel
additive developments in Asia.
Clarence is currently the executive direc-
tor of Asian Clean Fuels Association, which
supports governments and encourages
industries to pursue the use of cleaner fuels
for a cleaner environment through the attri-
butes of sound science, cost effectiveness
and sustainability.
In China, he was successfully involved
in a China Phase 3 (Euro 3 equivalent)
gasoline research programme in collab-
oration with the China State Environment
Protection Agency and Tsinghua University.
He also assisted the government in looking
into post-implementation programmes and
Phase 4 and 5 specifications.
Clarence partnered with the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
to encourage the Council of Arab Ministers
Responsible for the Environment within the
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