F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 36

F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
vehicle designs to tackle local road condi-
tions whether on a congested urban road
in a large city or in the countryside on a
rough and rural pathway.
John “Jay” Rogers is
president, CEO and
co-founder of Local Motors,
a next-generation,
U.S.-based car company that
is changing the way cars are designed,
built and owned.
A car guy through and through, Jay grew
up a student of the industry. His grandfa-
ther owned the legendary Indian Motorcy-
cle Company and was the first Cummins
engine distributor in the United States. It
was Jay’s family and personal passions that
inspired the most ambitious plan behind
Local Motors: to create an open source
community that works together to design
and develop exciting, efficient vehicles and
build them locally in a sustainable manner
with customer participation.
Jay is a graduate of Princeton Universi-
ty’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International Affairs and holds an MBA from
Harvard Business School (Baker Scholar).
He was elected as a Young Global Leader
by the World Economic Forum in 2014. His
career has taken him from a startup in Chi-
na to Ewing & Partners, where he became
a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), to
McKinsey & Co and the U.S. Marine Corps,
where he served for six years as an Infantry
Company Commander.
Local Motors is home to more than
60,000 car design concepts, 45,000
community members, more than 90 full-
time employees across four locations in the
United States and Europe, four production
vehicle models, and hundreds of smaller
vehicle innovations sold in its shop. Most
recently, Local Motors unveiled the Strati,
the world’s first 3D-printed vehicle.
Jay’s story, and the Local Motors story
of American innovation and co-creation,
has been shared on numerous national
and international television and radio
programs, on the pages of the world’s most
well-respected technology and automotive
publications, and via dozens of speaking
engagements around the world.
Jay lives in Knoxville, Tenn., U.S.A. with
his wife and four young boys.
Wednesday 11 March 9:30 | 10:00
Bosch Southeast Asia
The future of powertrain technologies is a
prevalent discussion not onlywithin the auto-
motive industry but also in the public domain.
Studies have shown that the internal combus-
tion enginewill remain the dominant technolo-
gy in the near future. This presentationwill give
a global overviewof today’s powertrain systems
aswell as themarket trends and key drivers of
tomorrow, with a focus on theAsianmarket. It
will also elaborate on how the development of
the differing automotive powertrain landscapes
inAsia and the rest of theworld are impactedby
factors such as the state of the economy; legal
frameworks and emission legislations, customer
requirements and fuel quality.
Ralph Straubhas been the
regional headof sales and
marketing in Southeast Asia
sinceNovember 2014 for the
diesel systems division of
Bosch. Based in Singapore, he is responsible
for all diesel-relatedmarketing activities in the
ASEAN region. Ralph hasmore than 14 years of
experiencewithinBosch’s automotive sector,
with a focus onpowertrain technologies.
Ralphgaineddeep insights into the trends
and key drivers in the international automotive
market in his previous role inprogrammanage-
ment and technical sales for diesel fuel-injection
systems and exhaust gas after-treatments. His
past assignments also sawhimsupporting inter-
national automotive customers inAsia, Europe
andNorthAmerica, where hewas able todeep-
en his expertise ondiesel combustion engines
and alternative powertrain technologies. Ralph
obtainedhismaster’s degree inmechanical
engineering from theUniversity of Stuttgart.
Challenges inMarine Fuels
Wednesday 11 March 10:00 | 10:30
The demand for marine fuels is chang-
ing, led in part by the need for low sulphur
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