F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 40

F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
UsingBaseOilBlends in
Wednesday 11 March 15:00 | 15:30
Nynas AB
The base oil industry has been going
through fundamental changes in the last
decade. These changes, particularly in the
Asia Pacific region, have been marked by
the rapid growth in production capacity
for Group II and Group III base oils. This
increment in supply is one among other
reasons behind the closure of Group
I refineries and, with it, a deficit on the
availability of bright stocks. This deficit
will have a major impact on the lube and
grease industry since neither Group II nor
Group III refineries can produce bright
The purpose of this work is to screen
the potential of using blends of a highly
viscous naphthenic oil and different
groups of paraffinic oils (Groups I, II and III)
in lubricating greases. These greases were
thoroughly characterised with a special
focus towards oxidation stability and elas-
tomer compatibility.
Mehdi Fathi-Najafi has more
than 18 years of experience
in the base oil and grease
industry. He joined Nynas
AB as a senior technical
coordinator in October 2008. Prior to that,
Mehdi served the industry in Europe as a
senior development engineer for almost 13
Mehdi entered a MSc (1990) and
received a Licentiate of Engineering (1994)
in chemical engineering from Chalmers
University of Technology in Gothenburg,
Mehdi has one patent (non-ionic
thickener) and has published more than
30 articles covering a variety of areas, in-
cluding filtration of compressible materials,
applied rheology and tribology, base oils
and lubricating greases.
Commercial Presentation
Wednesday 11 March 15:30 | 16:00
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering
Demand for premium distillate (diesel and
jet fuel) has continued to growwhile demand
for gasoline has remained relatively stable
or declined. This has resulted in an unprece-
dented worldwide distillate to gasoline price
differential that has refiners scrambling to shift
the diesel to gasoline production ratio. While
this phenomenon has been prevalent in the
U.S., Europe and Asia for some time, the issue
is nowmore relevant to other regions either to
satisfy local market demand or for export. It is
important for refiners to have the flexibility to
maximise jet or automotive diesel fuel produc-
tion as dictated by market conditions. The key
to maximising these seemingly contradictory
objectives of product maximisation while
retaining high cetane and improved cold flow
is to utilise hydroisomerisation dewaxing via
the MIDW
ExxonMobil Research and Engineering
(EMRE) Company’s Hydroisomerisation
Dewaxing Technology (MIDW) is ideally
suited for meeting these difficult processing
objectives as MIDW lends itself to deployment
in many configurations. Newer catalyst and
process configurations have been developed
that have increased the use of MIDWwith
challenging refinery feedstocks, including
its ability to improve cold flow properties of
bio-derived feedstocks. Key technical features
of the MIDW technology and its advantages
over conventional approaches will be de-
scribed in this presentation.
El-Mekki El-Malki is Licensing
Manager in the Technology
Sales and Licensing
Department of ExxonMobil
Research andEngineering
(EMRE), andhas responsibility for fuels refining
technologies. In his role El-Mekki provides a
variety of sales andproject coordination
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