F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 9

Chair intro | Fuel Economy & Engine Oils
AngelaWillis | GM | An OEM Perspective on Fuel Economy and Engine Oils
Kaustav Sinha | Chevron Oronite | Development of Chrysler Oxidation and Deposit Engine Oil CertificationTest
Tina Dasbach | IOM |WorldwideTrends in Automotive Lubricants
MorningTea Break
Sponsored by Vanderbilt Chemicals
Phil Hutchinson | Evonik |The Influence of OilViscosity,Viscosity Index Improver andTesting CycleType on the Fuel
Economy of a Representative European PassengerVehicle Engine
Ian Bell | Afton Chemical | Enabling Fuel Economy Benefits in Engine Oils
Panel Q & A
Lunch Break
Chair intro | Developments in Lubricant AdditiveTechnologies
Torsten Stoehr | Evonik | Dispersant Comb Polymers FE Solution -
A New Building Block of Fuel Economy Solutions for Driveline Fluids
John Huron | Chevron Oronite | Benchmarking of Fluids used in Hydraulic,Transmission and Brake Applications
forTractors in China
AfternoonTea Break
John Fang | Chevron Oronite | Olefin CopolymerViscosity Index Improvers
Daniella Baxter | Infineum |Versatility ofViscosity Modifiers
Panel Q & A
Closing remarks
08:00 | 09:00
09:00 | 09:05
09:05 | 09:30
09:30 | 10:00
10:00 | 10:30
10:30 | 11:00
11:00 | 11:30
11:30 | 12:00
12:00 | 12:30
12:30 | 14:00
14:00 | 14:05
14:05 | 14:30
14:30 | 15:00
15:00 | 15:30
15:30 | 16:00
16:00 | 16:30
16:30 | 17:00
17:00 | 17:25
17:25 | 17:30
F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
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