F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 11

It is hard to believe 12 months have already elapsed since our
20th anniversary event in March 2014, marking the return of F+L
Week in Singapore, a preferred destination year-on-year for this
major trend-setting annual fuels and lubes industry gathering.
This past year has been pivotal and marked by continuing
events of magnitude with both our organisation and the industry as
a whole. More than ever the skills required to operate in an increas-
ingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) market
environment have been so necessary.
Such skills are certainly essential to decode the intricate dynam-
ics of a multi-speed global economic recovery, underpinned by
downward-spiralling fuel costs, derived from a raging international
price war so brutal that it puts at risk the stability of the very global
markets it helps to recover: a classic closed-loop life vs existence conundrum at its very best. What’s
for sure is that, in addition to clear vision over horizons 1, 2 and 3, latest knowledge acquisition,
ongoing competitive intelligence and deep market insights form also part of a mandatory baseline
skillset, essential VUCA survival toolbox, and the very repertoire around which F+L Week 2015 has
been conceived.
We are immensely grateful for all our loyal major sponsors’ support which has allowed us to
put together and bring to you this year a stellar line-up of 30 x “Crème de la Crème” speakers
from OEMs, global industry giants and major Asian state regulators, who will present and debate
over the next three days the most pressing industry issues at hand, the very latest technology
break-throughs, profusely demonstrating thought leadership, challenging our views and en-
abling all of us to shape our three-horizon strategic road maps.
By popular demand, following in-depth research with sponsors, exhibitors and delegates,
we have this year brought to the next level the annual F+L Week event, with a streamlined
revamped format, developed from your direct feedback and which closely matches what
the industry wants. For example, and among other innovations, we trust you will enjoy the six
live stage interactive expert panel discussions, extending to global digital audiences (such
as on Thursday 12 March PM) via simulcast webinar which replace past years’ conventional
post-presentation Q&A.
Beyond our focus on webinars, the same decades-long customer-centred culture and close
relationship approach we’ve nurtured over the past two decades with the industry has driven
F&L Asia to introduce a full range of new digital products, such as the new FLD (Fuels + Lubes
Daily) newsletter launched in January 2015, fully aligned with today’s personalized content
cycles pushing news to audiences as they unfold, instantly from the field, and in line with each
FLD subscriber’s own reading habits and preferences!
FLD will soon be followed by our new website FLO (Fuels + Lubes Online), an exciting and
comprehensive new milestone for all of us, and imminently due for launch. We’ve carefully lis-
tened to your needs, selected best-of-breed solutions and applied all our industry wisdom to de-
liver this new digital integrated multi-device platform which relentlessly pushes all boundaries. So
watch out for FLO in coming months, and witness how a multi-dimensional industry media such
as ours must function and interact with audiences in a 21st century hyper-connected context.
FLO will undoubtedly become your preferred online and mobile destination for any fuels and
lubes related news, business intelligence and industry knowledge moving forward.
But for now, enjoy this year’s fascinating F+L Week program and the full-packed indus-
try-shaping week of events.
Thriving in a Volatile,
Uncertain, Complex and
AmbiguousMarket Environment
Giovanni Di Noto
Deputy Chief Executive
F&L Asia Ltd.
F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
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