F+L Week 2015 Souvenir Program - page 13

Executive Director (Technical)
Society of Indian AutomobileManufacturers
K.K. Gandhi is the technical executive director of the Society of Indian Automo-
bile Manufacturers (SIAM), New Delhi. Since November 1999, K.K. has been
heading SIAM’s technical activities. SIAM represents all two and three wheel-
ers, automobiles, medium and heavy commercial vehicles and auto engine
manufacturers in India. The membership includes all Indian and international
manufacturers with a production base in India.
His responsibilities include liaisingwith the government, testing agencies
andmember companies on all technical issues related to emissions and safety,
alternative fuel and vehicle standards and regulations. He represented the Indi-
an auto industry both in national and international forums like JASIC and FAMI.
In addition, K.K. prepared policy documents for the industry on various
technical issues confronting the Indian automobile industry. Some of the issues
addressed are roadmaps for future emissions and safety regulations, in-use
vehicle emissions management and integrated approaches to pollution control.
Global OEMand IndustryLiaisonManager, ChevronOroniteCompany
Gary Parsons joined Chevron in 1981 after obtaining his Bachelor of Science
and Master of Science degrees in mechanical engineering from the University
of California at Berkeley. From 1981 through 1985, Gary worked as a research
engineer in the fuels division at Chevron Research and Technology Company.
Then from 1986 through 1995, Gary was the Oronite Additives fuels product
manager in three different assignments: in Europe, North America and Asia.
In 1995, Gary took the role of Asia Pacific Region Lubricants Specialist for
Oronite Additives. Between 1999 and 2005, Gary worked in various capacities
in the finished lubricants business, including account manager in the strategic
accounts group, market manager in the commercial automotive group, global
consumer transport segment director and as commercial automotive business
unit manager.
Gary was named Global OEM and Industry Liaison Manager, Chevron
Oronite Company in January 2005. Furthermore, Gary has been a member of
the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) since 1981 and is a member of the
advisory board for the annual Fuels & Lubes Asia Conference.
Professor of Engineering andApplied Science
GeorgeWashingtonUniversity, U.S.A.
Stephen Hsu received his PhD fromPennsylvania State University in Lubrication
Science from the late Prof. Elmer Klaus. He joined Amoco Chemicals (nowAfton
Chemical) to conduct additive research. After four years of additive research
and development, he joined the National Institute of Standards and Technology
in Gaithersburg, MD. , U.S.A. Stephen’s research on advancedmaterials and
tribology earned hima worldwide reputation as a pioneer in Tribochemistry
and advanced lubrication Science. In 2009, he joined GeorgeWashington
University to lead the Energy Initiative. His research now focuses on fuel econ-
omy improvement via surface textures, novel additives andmicroencapsulated
additives to control wear and prolong friction reduction of lubricants.
Stephen holds seven U.S. patents and two world patents. He also has pub-
lished 250 papers and is one of the leading lubrication scientists in the world.
F+L Week 2015 | 10-13 March 2015
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