Triangle Energy starts FEED study for renewable fuel refinery
Triangle Energy (Global) Limited, an Australian oil producer with operations in the Perth Basin, is conducting a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) study for a renewable fuel refinery in Western Australia.
The proposed project, which has completed a concept and Pre-FEED study, is a modular, flexible-feed 5,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) refinery. The new modular refinery also has positive implications for Western Australia’s fuel security following the planned closure of the state’s only oil refinery in Kwinana owned by bp.
The FEED study, which will be undertaken by Plant Process Group LLC, is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2022. First production is currently intended for the first quarter of 2024.
“The Triangle Energy team is very pleased to announce our investigation into the potential to establish a modern, modular renewable fuel refinery by leveraging our existing infrastructure in the Perth Basin,” said said Triangle Energy Managing Director and CEO Rob Towner. “The proposed 5,000 barrel per day facility would be suitable for bio-crude fuel stocks as well as crude and condensate products from our Cliff Head Joint Venture as well as other onshore and offshore operations in the state.”
The proposed facility will also be a potential future consumer of hydrogen and have important benefits for Western Australia’s fuel security after the planned closure of the Kwinana refinery later this decade, said Towner.
“I look forward to sharing further details of Triangle Energy’s exciting diversification and energy transition strategy in the coming months.”
Renewable Fuel Refinery Project
The Renewable Fuel Refinery (RFR) Project was initiated in the second quarter of 2021 to respond to decarbonisation targets and increased demand for local future fuel supply. Supported by Project advisory company ResourcesWA, the project has been developed to directly complement Triangle Energy’s existing diversification steps including the Pilot Energy Joint Venture and its State Gas holding.
The proposed RFR Project will provide both essential blended renewable fuel refining capacity in Western Australia and will be a net consumer of hydrogen, with up to 1,500 kg used per day in the processing of fuel. This will provide a key local demand to further enhance the production of hydrogen in Western Australia and assist in the overall transition to greener fuels.
Located adjacent to the Arrowsmith Separation Plant south of Dongara, crude and condensate from Western Australian producers will be combined with bio-crude feedstocks to deliver Australia’s first flexible feed, modular renewable fuel refinery. The RFR Project aims to deliver both renewable diesel and renewable marine fuel for the Western Australian market, responding to the growing demand from the mining and heavy transport sector for renewable fuels.