SGS launches new oil condition monitoring lab in St. Petersburg
SGS has launched a new testing facility, dedicated to oil condition monitoring (OCM), in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The new laboratory will offer a complete range of oil condition monitoring services to many industries, including factories, road transport, railway, marine, mining and power generation. It uses SGS’s centralised Services for Oil and Fuel Intranet Application (Sofi@) LIMS system to gather and analyse data on engines and other pieces of equipment located around the world. A central team of mechanical engineers based in France interprets the sample analytical results.
Oil condition monitoring, the analysis of used oil and other lubricants, is a cost-effective means of identifying and preventing potential problems. It provides information that can be used to determine when maintenance operations should be performed, reducing downtime and minimising operating losses due to unexpected failure.
SGS has been delivering oil condition monitoring services for 40 years and has the largest network of independent oil condition monitoring laboratories in the world, with 32 laboratories analysing more than 1,000,000 samples each year.