NLGI to develop premium grease specification in collaboration with CQA
The National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI), a leading international organization for lubricating grease, is collaborating with The Center for Quality Assurance (CQA) to define future grease specifications.
The initial focus will be a specification for a premium grease that could be used in a variety of bearings and applications which require similar lubricating properties. Additional specifications will be defined for high load, water resistance, corrosion resistance, and long-life applications. Future specification work may include grease for gearboxes, electric motors, and other applications.
NLGI currently certifies grease through their Certification Mark program which includes the well-known GC-LB Performance Classification. This certification program has provided an internationally-recognized grease specification for grease and bearing manufacturers, users, and consumers since 1989. Although originally conceived as an automotive chassis and wheel bearing specification, GC-LB is recognized as a mark of quality for grease specifiers. Due to advancements in materials, technologies, and applications, NLGI recognizes that current applications may be better served by updated specifications.
Because NLGI’s working groups are made up of volunteers from the industry, NLGI has contracted with The Center for Quality Assurance based in Midland, Michigan, U.S.A., to interview and survey members of the grease industry to help define these new specifications and ensure that they meet the needs of today’s grease-lubricated applications.
“NLGI’s board has moved quickly to implement this working relationship with CQA, and we look forward to creating new specifications for grease that are relevant with respect to newer bearings and applications as well as employing the best possible performance tests available. We hope that this will result in grease manufacturers being able to offer better products to the market and grease consumers having better guidance with respect to product performance.,” said Joe Kaperick, NLGI president.