Toshiba CTO shares company’s vision of technology future through change
SINGAPORE, Feb. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Set on becoming one of the world's leading cyber-physical systems (CPS) technology companies, Dr Shiro Saito closes in on the technology future that Toshiba aims to achieve through change, and his expectations of the new generation of researchers and engineers.
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An excerpt of Dr. Saito's interview is as follows:
What are Toshiba's growth fields?
Toshiba's aim is to be a company that solves social problems with technologies that fuse the cyber and the physical, the real world. We now promote "open innovation" from the early stages of research, and collaborate with top universities and research institutes worldwide, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Cambridge University and Stanford University. For example, we are collaborating with Cambridge University on quantum cryptographic communication. This is a technology that enables safe transmission of extremely confidential information — personal information and financial transaction information and the like — using communications technology that is theoretically impossible to hack.
Toshiba plans to invest 930 billion yen over the next five years, in the areas of renewable energy technologies, SCiB™, power electronics and robotics. In addition, we are researching a number of technologies across a series of medical procedures, covering prevention and screening, diagnosis and treatment. One is heavy particle beam cancer treatment equipment which greatly reduces the burdens on the patient. We also have other cancer-related technology, biodegradable liposomes. Simply explained, this is a capsule that can be inserted into human cells, where it contributes to the discovery of cancer cells.
In terms of creating new business, we will release the seeds of businesses created in the R&D department into the world at an early stage. In addition to a learning mechanism based on receiving feedback, a new Corporate Venture Capital fund of 10 billion yen has been set up to create new businesses not bound by our current portfolio.
Moving forward, our researchers and developers should work with a heightened awareness that technology R&D is a means to solve social problems and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
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SOURCE Toshiba Corporation