New Records of the Conference and Exhibition Offshore Marintec Russia
HONG KONG, Nov. 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — The International exhibition and conference on shipbuilding and development of the Arctic and the continental shelf Offshore Marintec Russia has finished its work. For the second time the leading players of the market of energy resources gathered on the platform CEC «Expoforum» for demonstration of the latest developments in the sphere of oil and gas production, and also for discussion and development of ways of upgrading the processes of development, drilling, production and transportation of energy resources.
During four days of the conference 114 reports of different topics were made: shipbuilding, energy infrastructure of the coastal territories, underwater and under-ice drilling, strategic development of the Arctic, a resort and prevention of emergencies, technical means and technological complexes for development of oil and gas resources of the continental shelf.
This year more than 80 companies from Russia, China, Romania, South Korea, Poland took part in an exhibition. Among the participants are such large players of the market of energy resources as Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Gazprom Flot, Lukoil, Vega, Redaelli SSM, Okeanpribor, Sevmash, the Zvezda plant, Fizpribor and many others.
The research institutes, working in a sphere of power and development of the continental shelf, were presented in exhibition: Experimental project bureau of mechanical engineering of I. I. Afrikantov, Institute of ecological projecting and researches, Krylov state scientific center, St. Petersburg Mining University.
All in all the exhibition was visited by more than 5,000 of specialists: representatives of business, authority, science, producing and research.
The key event of the first day has become a Round table "The state and prospects of the modern Russian Navy for the development of hydrocarbon resources of the continental shelf of the Arctic". According to Director of the Russian Department of "Continuous production and drives" ("Siemens"), Victor Rupp, the purpose of this discussion was not just to demonstrate the capabilities of individual enterprises in the construction and maintenance of ships and oil and gas equipment, but also to develop specific proposals for the Russian shipbuilding industry in a policy of import substitution and localization.
One of the special sessions of the first day held up one of the most controversial and problematic issues of energy production industry – the development of underwater and under-ice technology for the development of deposits and mining conditions in freezing seas. This session was organized with the active support of the Fund of Advanced Studies. In his speech, the head of the project group of the Fund Viktor Litvinenko underlined the need for practical implementation of the currently available researches, its using not in laboratory test conditions, but directly on the water and under water.
"Energy infrastructure for offshore oil and gas projects" — was another special event in the context of the forum of this day. Experts discussed the prospects of using of alternative sources of energy for offshore and coastal structures in terms of import substitution and diversification in electrical equipment.
The second day of the international exhibition and conference "Offshore Marintec Russia" and the 16th St. Petersburg International Energy Forum has opened the Plenary session on the subject "Strategic objectives and priorities of development of the Arctic and continental shelf of the Russian Federation".
According to the Chairman of the Program committee of a conference, the chairman of Scientific Council of RAS on geology and development of oil and gas fields, the academician of RAS Alexey Kontorovich, at this discussion platform for more than 20 years the main questions of ideological policy in the field of oil production and power are brought up and solved.
Within special section of the second day of work of the Offshore Marintec Russia conference the discussion on international cooperation in development of the Arctic and the shelf took place. The subject of discussion attracted a keen interest of the speakers and listeners, divided into two camps: in support of development of the international interaction and experience exchange with foreign partners and — against such cooperation. According to Andrey Chernykh, representing Federal State Institution "VNIIOkeanologii", the only condition of development of fields of the continental shelf is a close interaction with the scientific and project and research centers of Europe and North America. Within the international consortium Russia will be able to accelerate process of potential fields researching and will begin to implement the strategy of continental Russian shelf in practice.
In addition to this, within the ceremony of official opening of an exhibition and the Offshore Marintec Russia conference and the 16th St. Petersburg international energy forum a Ceremony of winners rewarding of International Contest of the scientific, technical and innovative researches for the development of the Arctic and the continental shelf took place.
At the end of the second day a solemn launch for the participants of the conference and exhibition on Krestovsky island of St-Petersburg was organized. All the participants and official sponsors have got diplomas and gifts for memory about this event.
The 3rd day was rich for round tables and special sections of different subjects: new technologies for research of the continental shelf, safety on objects of the North Navy Way, development of infrastructure of the water and shelf territory.
In conditions of entry into force since January 1, 2017 of the Polar code of the Russian Federation it is necessary to speed up the work on improvement existing and development of a perspective survival equipment and their harmonization according to the international standards. It was declared at the Round table on safety issues of oil and gas crafts in the Arctic and on the continental shelf by the head of Association of development of the search and rescue equipment and technologies Victor Ilyukhin.
In the context of the Round table "Complex development of sea transport infrastructure in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation" the head of department of the ice mode and forecasts of Federal State Institution "AANII" Evgeny Mironov underlined, that the factors connected with an ice situation, drift of icebergs and ice massifs and the change of a temperature background are the main factors at all stages of work on the shelf.
The culmination of the conference was at official solemn gala-dinner for the participants, partners and sponsors, who made a significant contribution to the organization of these exhibitions and business forums. Among owners of the awards were the companies "Gazprom neft", "Gazprom", "Gazpromneft Sakhalin", National research Kurchatov institute.
In addition to this an expert jury estimated the most interesting and multifunctional stands of the participants of the exhibition. Among the winners are: "Gazprom neft", "Lukoil", "Protea" (Poland), plant "Zvezda". The prize of spectators' sympathies was given by right to "Gazprom Flot", the company and to the plant "FIZPRIBOR".
Notes to Editor:
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