Buyer-Seller Meet at Asia’s Biomass Power & Pellet Trade in Tokyo, this May

TOKYO, April 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Japan's fast expanding biomass power market, plus pellet trade with Southeast Asia, USA and Canada underscore CMT's 7th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power summit on May 16-19.

Top Japanese biomass players at the summit are:

  • Sumitomo unveils the 'Biomass Opportunities in Japan's Electricity Generation & FIT System' — post Fukushima.
  • Gas and Power Co. (subsidiary of Osaka Gas) on 'Design & Construction of Pulverized Coal & Biomass Fired Power Plant'
  • IHI Corporation elaborates on 'Woody Pellet Co-firing for Pulverized Coal Fired Power Plant'
  • Oji Group shares its 'Involvement in the New FIT Scheme for Biomass Energy'

Focused discussions include Japan's electricity market reforms; South Korea's RPS, biomass demand outlook; China curbing coal emissions and increasing biomass utilization; biomass supplies into China, Japan and Korea as well as insights on biomass and wood pellet prices, challenges of biomass co-firing and intricacies of biomass project partnerships.

Among key speakers are senior representatives from CREIA, Jiangsu Muyang, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, EnerOne, Indufor, PVM Oil Associates, ECN, TAKEEI Corporation, Lantern Advisory & Investments and RWE Generation.

New this year is a Breakfast Talk on 'Solid Biomass Fuel Characteristics & Sourcing Considerations' by FutureMetrics and WPAC.

Biomass feedstock analysis is led by:

  • Pinnacle Renewable Energy shares the 'Risks along the Wood Pellet Supply Chain'
  • Tipawat Corporation provides an update on Thailand's biomass pellets & power status
  • An Viet Phat Energy Co. shares 'Vietnam's Pellets Biomass Market'
  • Asia Resource Partners presents the Market Dynamics of PKS

A pre-conference workshop on 'Black Pellets' facilitated by ECN and RWE Generation as well as a post-conference site visit to Soma Kyodo's Shinchi Power Plant are also arranged. Organized by Centre for Management Technology (CMT), the event has Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) and Sumitomo Corp as Corporate Sponsors plus Rudnick & Enners as Associate Sponsor. Event exhibitors are Vermeer, KAHL, Rainbow Pellets & Briquettes, An Viet Phat Energy, Beijing Panda Pellet Machinery, EnerOne, Muyang, Sanyo-Trading, and TSI.

For more information, visit event website or contact Ms. Hafizah at +65-6346-9218 or