Breakthroughs in Material Development to Unleash Growth Opportunities for Photovoltaic

PV market among the fastest growing markets in sustainable energy globally, with the largest potential in Asian markets, explores Frost & Sullivan Webcast

LONDON, April 26, 2016 /PRNewswire/ —

  • WHEN: Wednesday, 4th May, 2016 at 3:00 pm BST
  • LOCATION: Online, with Complimentary Registration
  • SPEAKERS: Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Siddharth Anand Sainath

Decreasing prices of modules favour photovoltaics' (PV) increased use to generate electricity. However, challenges are being posed to the industry as new module technologies are adapted quickly. Those can be organic PVs, which are made from sustainable materials and dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), another emerging technology producing electricity from a wide range of light conditions. This webcast explores the trends for new material adoption in front sheets, back sheets and encapsulates to facilitate the development of high efficiency PV modules, and the challenges faced by module manufacturers. Moreover, emerging modules technologies and their implication on materials will be explored.

"Photovoltaic modules have emerged as one of the key sustainable solutions for the increasing global energy needs", said Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Siddharth Anand Sainath. "The main focus is on improving the durability of modules in order to achieve consistent power output. Additionally, due to increasing customer preference towards PV modules that offer higher efficiencies, modules manufacturers are also compelled to innovate on this front."

The extent of R&D investment is significantly linked to regional and national policies, with Asian markets providing most growth opportunities. In these markets, the full potential is not yet realised, but new PV installation are encouraged by a variety of incentives. Markets such as India and Singapore offer a variety of opportunities, unlike mature markets, where incentives are starting to be withdrawn. Within the mature market of Europe, Italy is an example for the harms of policy insecurity. The PV installation saw a drastic reduction based not on the termination of government support but on insecurities of its future development.

This webcast will provide valuable insights for resin suppliers, front sheet as well as back sheet manufacturers, encapsulate manufacturers, PV module manufacturers and distributors. Discover key drivers and challenges affecting growth of new PV module technologies.


  • To attend the webcast, email Jana Schoeneborn, Corporate Communications, at your full contact details.
  • Receive a recorded version of the webcast anytime by submitting your contact details.

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Jana Schoeneborn
Corporate Communications – Europe
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