BIG SUN Energy’s new dual axis tracker + bifacial module shows up to 60% gains in solar power generation

The new amphibious power generation champion: iPV Tracker

HSINCHU, Taiwan, May 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — BIG SUN Energy's patented iPV Tracker, when compared with a fixed tilt system, has shown a 30% increase in power generation. When iPV Tracker is combined with a bi-facial module there is a further 10% increase. BIG SUN Energy has further researched various underlying surfaces — discovering the rates of reflection with natural ground cover, cement or mirror-like reflective surfaces. Reflection rates of grass, sand or mud will increase the power generation between 5-10%, while white cement will provide a 15% increase. When mirror-like reflective surfaces such as water or snow are used, the gains reach 20-30%. By installing an iPV Tracker over a water surface using bi-facial modules, the increase in yields achieved can reach 60% over fixed tilt systems utilizing mono-facial modules.

Summer Lou, inventor of iPV Tracker and chairman of BIG SUN Energy noted "Two thirds of the earth is covered by water, by extending the application of iPV Trackers over water surfaces we will help increase power generating efficiency without impacting the local environment. iPV Trackers can be floating or mounted, when installed at a 3m height with 2.5m spacing, iPV Trackers are able to harvest 60% of light transmittance and increase power gains by 50%. In shallow waters, the Aqua Solar solution will elevate the light transmittance 70-80%." Summer noted "it is an eco-friendly system that provides space facilitating routine activities around the floating and mounted modules."

The effectiveness of PV power generation has three essential factors, inclination angle, height and ground reflection.

  • The inclination angle is the optimal angle that power generation systems are able to track and absorb sunlight.
  • Tracker height describes the necessary room to collect reflected and diffused sunlight on the rear side of a module when paired with a bi-facial module.
  • Ground reflection can boost the rear side power generation in bi-facial modules, with different advantages for different types of ground cover.

Solar tracking power generation systems have become an important choice when building solar power stations. The world has focused on the power generation efficiency of the bi-facial module in conjunction with the solar tracking systems. BIG SUN Energy was awarded the "Top 10 Highlights" at 2017 SNEC PV Power Expo in Shanghai for the highly efficient power generation features in the dual glass, bi-facial, dual axis iPV Tracker.

BIG SUN will be attending this year's SNEC PV Power Expo held in Shanghai (May 28-30th) located in W1 Hall, booth #008. On display will be the iPV Tracker in conjunction with high-efficiency bifacial modules from two prominent suppliers, demonstrating it as a highly adaptive and highly efficient power generation system.

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iPV Tracker:

For more information contact:

Kim Yen
Marketing Specialist
+886-3-5980288 #1953

Angel Lu
Marketing Manager
+886-3-5980288 #1951