Aleees has released its latest progress in customers’ certification

Winner takes it all in Europe

Clients began to expand the scale of mass production

TAIPEI, Jan. 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery materials manufacturer and lithium IP licensor Aleees-KY (TWSE:5227) has updated its progress in customers' certification on its website today. As of now, Aleees has 39 customers, the effect of the winner takes it all has been shown in the European market, and the mass production scale of some customers began to expand. Compared with May 2022, Aleees gained 3 European customers, 3 US customers, and 1 customer from other regions; terminal applications covering energy storage, electric vehicles, electric trucks, and solid-state batteries. Most of the customers are well-known international companies.

Under the condition of compliance with the confidentiality agreement, Aleees plans to release the progress in product development and certification updates to shareholders on the official website every January and July. Since the cycle of product development and certification is around 3 to 5 years for the clients of energy storage and EV, in order to increase the transparency of the progress, the company discloses promptly the status of product development certification to shareholders in compliance with the confidentiality agreement.

As Aleees stated, a total of 12 customers have entered the 3rd phase of continuous trial production and supplier certification and the 4th phase of formal mass production. Among manufacturers whose certification progress is advanced, one European customer has rapidly advanced from the 2nd phase to the 4th phase, and one Japanese customer has also jumped from the 1st phase to the 3rd phase.

The company explained that although 9 clients were removed from the client list due to economic impacts or operational policy adjustments, compared with May 2022, there are still 3 new European clients, 3 US clients, and 1 client from other regions. Most of the clients are well-known international companies, and the end customers and sales markets are all over the world.

To comply with the European and American laws and encouraged by the incentive policies for subsidies, Aleees will continue to expand in various market areas in 2022. The global energy storage battery has fully confirmed that it will be using lithium iron phosphate batteries as the core development, and its application to electric vehicles is rising gradually. The shipping area of Aleees' certified clients will not be limited to energy storage before 2028, but will also step into the supply chain of EV field including electric vehicles and electric trucks.

Aleees has transformed into a lithium IP supplier in 2022. The company will license technology transfer clients for mass production and supply to the 4th phase of customers. Aleees will continue to focus on product development and serve clients in the 1st to 3rd phases, and adopt the mode of teamwork to reduce the concentration percentage of customer supply chains.

About Aleees:

Aleees (TWSE: 5227), founded in 2005 with main office and factory located in Taiwan, is a lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) battery material manufacturer with longest history as well as an IP licensor in the world, and is also one of the few companies outside China with complete LFP battery material manufacturing technology and patents. Aleees Taiwan owns more than 120 exclusive patents worldwide, with customers including world-renowned energy storage battery and EV battery customers across Europe, U.S., Japan, Korea, and Asia. At present Aleees co-develops various types of LFP、LFMP products with more than 40 global customers, and produces high-quality, low-cost, and long-life-cycle LFP cathode materials. In the 17 years since its establishment, it has accumulated more than 15,000 tons of LFP product shipments totally from Taiwan facility.

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