Master Fluid now producing metalworking fluids in partnership with PETEN in Turkey
In partnership with its longstanding Turkish representative, PETEN Endustriyel Urunler Pazarlama San. Tic. Ltd. (https://soya.com.tr/), Master Fluid Solutions has established a production plant just outside Istanbul in the town of Tuzla. One of its key products is TRIM® MicroSol® 590XT, the semi-synthetic micro-emulsion that has now been approved by Boeing for use in multiple application areas.
Specifically developed to meet the needs of aerospace manufacturers and subcontractors serving this sector, TRIM® MicroSol® 590XT improves on the performance of previous fluid generations with unmatched lubricity and sump life, for substantial time and material savings.
Master Fluid Solutions metalworking fluids are trusted and approved by all major aerospace manufacturers and have therefore become a natural choice for Turkey’s burgeoning aerospace and defence sector. Indeed, growing demand for the Master Fluid Solutions coolants in these industries, together with the increasing popularity of its fluids in automotive and white goods production, has resulted in the company taking the decisive step to manufacture key products locally.
Hasan Özgönül, managing director of PETEN and his 20-strong team, have also developed a growing market for TRIM® MicroSol® 515, the metalworking fluid that has inherited all the characteristics of TRIM® MicroSol® 585XT without the premium aerospace performance. This product and the long-established TRIM® E715, a highly stable and universal soluble oil, are now widely used in the production of automotive components and domestic appliances in Turkey.
“Manufacturing our products in Turkey made sound commercial sense,” said Peter Blenkinsop,director of Sales – Europe, Master Fluid Solutions. “Primarily we wanted to reduce lead time for our Turkish customers and eliminate the danger of importation delays. So, having established the availability of good quality raw materials, local manufacture was clearly the way to go and we haven’t looked back. Business is going from strength to strength.”