MacDermid launches Erifon THF 32 hydraulic fluid for offshore drilling rigs
On April 25, MacDermid Offshore Solutions (MacDermid) announced the release of Erifon THF 32, a water-based hydraulic fluid for the offshore oil and gas industry. MacDermid, a supplier of lubricants to oil and gas operating companies since 1979, is a business unit of specialty chemicals company, Element Solutions Inc. The company’s products are used extensively in offshore deepwater production and drilling operations.
Erifon THF 32 is a high-viscosity lubricant and corrosion inhibitor which offers “outstanding technical performance while withstanding extreme compression ignition and stress,” says MacDermid. The company’s Erifon Fluid range is specifically formulated for blow-out preventer and hydraulic compensator systems used for drill rig operations. The media release indicates that the new Erifon THF 32 complements its existing products.
Erifon THF 32 is a fire and explosion-resistant HFC water-based fluid. MacDermid suggests the product provides exceptional lubricity in motion compensation devices and tensioning equipment in offshore drilling rigs and is appropriate for use with all cylinder manufacturers’ wireline, in-line or direct-acting tensioners. The company highlighted strong performance in extended travel, referencing the completion of a 50,000-kilometer cylinder endurance test.
MacDermid indicated that the new fluid formulation is effective in both warm and cold climates and is compatible with global port requirements, ensuring customers do not need to change fluids in the middle of a project. The product complies with US EPA Gulf of Mexico General GMG 290000 Permit requirements for riser tensioner fluids, as well as other global and environmental regulations, and exceeds stringent military requirements including military specification DEF STAN 91-110.