Vietnam bans methanol as an octane booster in gasoline

Vietnam has banned the use of methanol to boost octane in gasoline effective immediately. Reports said the measure is being imposed to stem the widespread practice of adulterating fuel. However, ethanol will continue to be blended with gasoline as the country has a 5% ethanol mandate. The methanol ban applies to products which are already in the country in storage tanks, as well as fresh imports. In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has established two interdisciplinary inspection teams to check petrol trading activities. The teams, managed by MoIT’s Market Management Department, in cooperation with the Economic Police Department and the Product Quality Management Department, will inspect petrol trading enterprises in key provinces and cities to ensure that they comply with regulations. The inspection will be carried out until March 31. The results will be reported to the Central 127 Steering Committee, an anti-trade fraud, fake goods and smuggling agency. (January 18, 2012)