Toa Oil increases refining capacity of Keihin Refinery Mizue Factory

Toa Oil Co., Ltd. recently increased refining capacity of the Keihin Refinery Mizue Factory in Kawasaki city, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, from 65,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 70,000 bpd. The company submitted a notice dated August 19, 2013 to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to change the nominal capacity. Toa did not do any construction work nor make an investment to change capacity.
The company has put residue produced at its crude distillation unit and supplied from Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. into its vacuum distillation unit, a 27,000 bpd flexicoker. The increased capacity will enable it to increase supply sources.
“We have been able to choose cheaper priced feedstock, residue or crude oil, according to the market situation. However, our production volume of oil products almost remain unchanged as ever,” a company spokesperson said.
(August 30, 2013)