Thailand to add engine oils to list of eco-friendly items
Thailandโs Pollution Control Department (PCD) said it will add another 12 items to the list of 17 eco-friendly items that have been already issued for state offices to procure and use. These items include fuel, computer, air-conditioners, trash cans, paper notebooks, furniture, fax machines, engine oils, cars, printing service, as well as petrol stations. Deputy Chief of the PCD, Worasat Apaipong, reported that 151 department-level state offices have already started. The government policy aims for state offices to become 25% eco-friendly last year, 50% this year, 75% next year and 100% in 2011, said Saksit Tridech, permanent-secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, Saksit Tridech. (June 17, 2009)