Thai policymakers plan campaign to double ethanol use

Thai energy policymakers are planning promotional campaigns to double ethanol use by 2011 and increase gasohol consumption by drivers, the Bangkok Post reports. Energy Minister Wannarat Channukul said the government had set a goal to increase ethanol content in motor fuels to 2 million liters per day in 2010 from an average of 1.5 million liters currently, and to lift the figure to 3 million liters in 2011. Krairit Nilkuha, director-general of the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) said the department would focus its promotions on E20, a blend of 20% ethanol and 80% petrol. The department will also draw up incentives for car makers to invest in producing E85-compatible (85% ethanol) vehicles in Thailand. (January 1, 2010)