Thai gasohol consumption surges in April

Consumption of new fuels including gasohol surged dramatically in April, as consumers continued to seek ways to reduce the impact of high oil prices, the Bangkok Post reports. The use of alternative fuels reduced gasoline and diesel fuel consumption by an average of 3.83 million liters daily in April, according to the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO). Consumption of biodiesel B5, a blend of 5% biodiesel and diesel, was up nearly 700% year-on-year, to 8.43 million liters daily from 1.072 million liters. Biodiesel B2, a 2% biofuel mixture, recorded a slight increase to 45.16 million liters daily. EPPO also said that 72,950 vehicles were now using compressed natural gas (CNG), which is marketed locally as NGV or natural gas for vehicles. It said the Energy Ministry’s policy to offer tax exemptions to operators of NGV service stations will help increase the number of stations to 320 by year-end from 187 at present. (May 12, 2008)