Study shows diesel vehicles produce most of China’s black carbon emissions
A study conducted by the Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, Department of Environment in Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, concluded that the rapid increase in the country’s vehicle population has made the transport sector a significant contributor to China’s black carbon (BC) emissions. Diesel vehicles were found to be the biggest contributor, emitting between 83% and 95% of the country’s total emissions. On the provincial level, Guangdong, Shandong, and Hebei were found to have higher emissions than other provinces. The study also determined that the emission standards introduced by the government, which were aimed at reducing particulate matter (PM), resulted in decreased BC emissions. According to the study, if the Euro V/VI emission standards are implemented, BC emissions in China will decline steadily until 2025, and greater reductions can be achieved by using biodiesel and low-sulfur fuels. (May 1, 2012)