Study presents technological options and policies for China to meet 2020 targets

China’s Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy was developed in 2007, and included sub-targets of various renewable energy technologies for 2010 and 2020. So far, the country has met almost all of its goals, and even surpassed the 2010 sub-targets except for non-grain fuel ethanol.
The country commissioned a study to assess the potential technological ways to achieve its 2020 biofuel target, though it is now the subject of debate. The study shows that from a technological perspective, China has the potential to achieve its non-grain fuel ethanol target, and has a high probability of meeting its biodiesel production target. However, China has to take positive policy options to overcome the current barriers identified in the study. The paper provides a comparison of various possible policy scenarios with a corresponding overview of biofuel projections. (December 1, 2012)