Sinopec invites SK as partner for Wuhan project

The project has a designed ethylene production capacity of 800,000 tons per year and an estimated investment of US$1.9 billion. The project will expand Wuhan Petrochemicals current capacity of 5 million tons to 8 million tons per year. The Wuhan ethylene project will comprise of eight main production facilities, including an 800,000 ton-per-year ethylene facility, a 300,000 ton-per-year low-linear density polyethylene facility, a 300,000 ton-per-year high-density polyethylene facility, a 100,000 ton-per-year ethylene oxide facility, a 380,000 ton-per-year ethylene glycol facility and a 400,000 ton-per-year polypropylene facility. The Wuhan ethylene project is expected to start operations by 2010. (May 21, 2007)