Shell veers away from solar energy
Royal Dutch Shell P.L.C. said it will focus on biofuel development in 2009 and 2010. However, it emphasized, it is not in a position to contribute to growth in solar and wind power. According to top officials from Shell’s Future Fuels and CO2 division, biofuels are the clear short-term option to diversify transport fuels away from oil and are one of a small number of options in the long term for both energy security and a lower future CO2 level. Shell, which has spent US$1.7 billion on alternative energy business over the last five years, will focus on next generation biofuel research, exploring new technologies such as algae, and cellulosic derived biofuels. Shell has many research projects with academic institutions and commercial companies underway, and will close projects if they are not proving as promising as the company first thought. It will instead pour its money into technologies that could more quickly deliver lower-cost biofuels, the company said. (April 7, 2009)