Saratov refinery starts producing Euro 4 standard gasoline

OJSC Saratov Oil Refinery, a subsidiary of TNK-BP, started producing AI-95 gasoline which is compliant with the Euro 4 standard. Changes in the technology of its production considerably reduced the contents of sulfur, which is now at 50 parts per million (50 ppm), benzene and aromatics. TNK-BP is planning to build an isomerization unit at the Saratov Oil Refinery with a capacity of 300,000 tons a year, upgrade the complex of hydro-treatment facilities, and implement other projects for producing Euro 4 and Euro 5 oil products, as well as increasing the volume of their production from 6 to 7-7.5 million tons a year. The investment program of the refinery for 2011-2012 implies investments of more than US$300 million. (February 17, 2011)