Sapphire Energy and Linde Group expand partnership
San Diego-based algae oil production company Sapphire Energy (SE) and partner Linde Group are ready to introduce a new industrial scale conversion technology needed to transform algae biomass into crude oil.
The pair will refine the hydrothermal treatment process developed and operated by SE during a pilot project. In addition, they will jointly license and market the technology to transform municipal solid and farm waste.
The agreement spans a minimum of five years through the development of SE’s first commercial scale, algae-to-energy production facility.
“Large energy projects like this require significant partnerships to fund the development of new technologies and make available engineering resources needed to bring these projects on line at commercial scale,” said SE CEO Cynthia Warner.
This partnership builds upon a previous agreement in May 2011 to develop a low cost, CO2 management system for open pond, algae-to-fuel production.
(July 17, 2013)