Pertamina ties up with Pelindo

Indonesia’s state oil and gas company PT Pertamina will study the possibility of jointly building an oil refinery and bunkering facilities at two ports in Java, the company said. The bunkering facilities may be built at Jakarta’s main Tanjung Priok port and the refinery at the Bojanegara port in Banten province in the west of Java, Pertamina said in a statement. Pertamina said it has signed an agreement with state-owned port services operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II, or Pelindo, to look into building the facilities in an effort to “overcome problems with the national energy supply chain.” Pertamina said it may work with Pelindo to buy and sell fuel and lubricants, and will look at building liquefied petroleum gas terminals at ports operated by Pelindo. (January 6, 2009)