Pennzoil introduces new motor oil for SRT Vehicles

Pennzoil introduced its newest synthetic motor oil, Pennzoil Ultra OW-40, which it created together with engineers from Chrysler Group. Pennzoil Ultra OW-40 was formulated to keep SRT engines running clean and the new motor oil exceeds Chrysler’s stringent MS12633 specification as well as the toughest industry standards. “As motor oil developers, the past few years have been very exciting with the leaps in lubricant technology and engine design,” said Robert Sutherland, Pennzoil technology manager. The Pennzoil brand is owned by Royal Dutch Shell. “Today, motor oils are designed to serve many functions outside of simply lubricating an engine. They can now enable complex hardware, as well as act as a coolant, hydraulic fluid and cleanser at the same time, which help to ensure an engine runs its best for as long as possible,” he added. (June 7, 2012)