NPRA calls on EPA to relax biofuels mandate

The National Petrochemical & Refiners Association (NPRA) is asking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to lower its mandate for a cellulosic biofuels volume of six million ethanol equivalent gallons in 2011 and a range of three to 15 million ethanol equivalent gallons by 2012. Testifying at an EPA public hearing, Gregory M. Scott, NPRA executive vice president and general counsel, said “The Clean Air Act directs EPA to project the amount of cellulosic and advanced biofuels expected to be sold based on credible facts – not press releases, hopes or wishes. EPA’s unrealistically high mandates impose unreasonable burdens on obligated parties and in 2011 will in effect be no more than a tax on American manufacturers and, ultimately, consumers. NPRA recognizes the need for a workable, flexible renewable fuels standard program and sincerely hopes that EPA will substantially revise its proposal to conform more closely to reality.” Under the EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard, NPRA member refiners must meet the standard or be open to severe fines for non-compliance. (July 12, 2011)