Novozymes and Sea6 to produce ethanol from seaweeds
Novozymes,the world leader in bio innovation, and India-based Sea6 Energy has entered into a research collaboration that will explore the use of enzymatic technology to produce fuel ethanol, fine chemicals, as well as protein from seaweed. Seaweed is one of the world’s fastest growing plants. The two companies will use enzymes to convert carbohydrates from seaweeds into sugar, which will then be fermented to produce other products. Research, development and the manufacture of enzymes for the conversion process will be undertaken by Novozymes, and Sea6 Energy will use its offshore seaweed cultivation technology. “Seaweed is a natural complement to our efforts to convert other types of biomass to fuel ethanol,” said Per Falholt, executive vice president and CSO of Novozymes. “More than half of the dry mass in seaweed is sugar, and the potential is therefore significant.” (January 31, 2012)