Nippon Oil, GS Caltex to study carbon material production

Tokyo-based Nippon Oil Corp. has begun a feasibility study in South Korea, to establish a plant together with local company GS Caltex, to produce carbon materials for electric double-layer capacitors (EDLCs). The company intends to make its final decision in time for the joint venture to start operations in April 2010. The joint venture, to be sited in Kumi, is anticipated to realize ¥5 billion ($45.3 million) in annual sales in 2015. The two companies expect the move to bring about synergistic effects in their production and technical development. Nippon Oil currently operates a 50-ton per year (tpy) demonstration plant for carbon materials for EDLCs at its Kawasaki Development Center in Japan using needle coke procured from its Marifu refinery. GS Caltex also is developing carbon materials for EDLCs with a 50-tpy plant. EDLCs are suitable for regenerative braking in construction machinery and railroads, and expected to find application in such fields as storage for alternative energy sources like solar power. (July 24, 2008)