New Zealand biodiesel grants scheme off to a good start
The government of New Zealand said in a news release that a grants scheme set up to encourage biodiesel production is off to a strong start, with five companies participating. The companies (and their locations) are: Biodiesel Oils NZ (Tamaki), Ecodiesel (Onehunga), NZ Ester Fuels (Tuakau, South Auckland), Environ Fuels (Te Kuiti), and Biodiesel New Zealand (Christchurch). Under the scheme, which started on July 1, 2009, a grant of up to 42.5 cents (US$30.61) per liter for biodiesel (or biodiesel content of a biodiesel blend) is available to biodiesel producers. The grant is paid monthly in arrears to New Zealand producers who sell 10,000 or more liters of biodiesel each month. Participating companies are required to report sales of biodiesel on a monthly basis to receive the grant. The biodiesel must be made in New Zealand and meet the Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations. (July 29, 2009)