New venture aims to supply 30% of jet fuel from biofuel
Airbus and Honeywell have embarked on an ambitious project to provide almost one-third of aviation’s fuel needs by 2030 using second-generation biofuels made from biomass and algae. They aim to produce biofuel that can be used in conventional jet engines without modification. Honeywell is known for producing green aviation fuels through its UOP refining technology, which converts natural oils and greases into military jet fuel. The Airbus-Honeywell joint venture will go head-to-head with Richard Branson’s Virgin Airlines and Air NZ, which are both working to become the first to develop commercially viable biofuel for aircraft in partnership with Boeing. Commentators point out even if the target of 30% of aviation fuels coming from biofuels is achieved, it will probably make little difference to total aviation emissions by 2030. With air passenger numbers growing about 5% annually, in countries such as China, India, and Brazil for example, many experts predict global passenger numbers will triple by 2030. This could see consumption of aviation fuel jump from about five million barrels per day (bpd) to more than 12 million by 2030. (May 21, 2008)