More companies to distribute subsidized fuels

Three fuel distributors, PT Aneka Kimia Raya Corporindo (AKR), PT Shell Indonesia, and PT Petronas Niaga Indonesia, may operate alongside Indonesiaโ€™s state oil and gas company PT Pertamina in distributing subsidized fuels starting next year. Downstream oil and gas regulator BPHMigas Chairman Tubagus Haryono said that three companies had met the criteria to distribute subsidized fuels, but their appointment is subject to the endorsement of the 2010 state budget bill currently being deliberated in the House of Representatives. Under the 2010 bill, the government estimates that subsidized fuel consumption next year will reach 21,454,104 kiloliters for premium gasoline, 11,250,675 kiloliters for diesel fuel and 3,800,000 kiloliters for kerosene. (September 16, 2009)