Lack of manpower fuels petrol smuggling in Brunei
A total of 14 cases relating to fuel offences were recorded in Brunei between January 1 and April 29 this year compared with 35 similar cases that were recorded as occurring between January 1 and November 21, 2009. Court fines and compounds from fuel smuggling related-offences in 2010 so far is at a total of US$10,000. In 2008, the fine totaled US$251,500 with US$31,000 in compounds while 2009 saw fines worth US$10,000 with US$3,500 in compounds. This was highlighted by a representative of the Royal Custom and Excise Department during a meeting with fuel operators organized by the Petroleum Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department. The meeting was chaired by the Senior Legal officer of the Petroleum Unit, Haji Mohamrnad Anas Haji Abdul Latif, and it was aimed at disseminating information on the Control Fuel Act and orders under the restriction of several government agencies. (May 2, 2010)