Kiwi survey: savings can entice consumers to switch to biofuels

A survey conducted in February found that most New Zealanders would use biofuels if it saved them more than NZ$0.10 (US$0.05) a liter and almost a third would switch for less than that amount. The online survey, conducted by the Sustainable Business Council and ShapeNZ for three days found that 58% of their 2,851 respondents supported making biofuels cheaper by cutting taxes. When asked how much cheaper biofuels need to be before they would use them, 29% said they would switch if biofuels was priced NZ$0.10 (US$0.05) a liter cheaper than ordinary fuel. That figure rose to 67% if the savings was more than NZ$0.10 (US$0.05) a liter. According to the survey, savings of NZ$0.05 (US$0.03) per liter would convince only 10% of the people to switch to biofuels. Although a savings of the said amount is already available at some petrol stations, only 2% said they were using biofuels, as they were not sure if their cars were compatible with it. (March 9, 2009)