Ho Chi Minh City passes new standards for petrol stations
Ho Chi Minh City passed a new set of standards, which mandates that owners of filling stations more than five years old must repair and upgrade their facilities within one year or face closure. The new law also asks owners of gasoline stations which began operations prior to March 16, 2007 to move their facilities at least five meters away from the street limitation lines. Filling stations that are located near intersections have also been asked to relocate their entrances away from the intersection point and ensure that the width of the entrances will allow convenient fuel supply. Gas stations near some bridges have also been asked to relocate away from the bridges’ protection areas and from the approach road by at least 50 meters. The city’s Department of Industry and Trade had been asked to work with related agencies to ensure that the stations comply with the new standards. Business licenses will be given only after completing the upgrade in the span of one year. There are about 500 petrol stations in Ho Chi Minh City. (May 16, 2012)