GS CleanTech starts ethanol production from distillers grain

New York-based GS CleanTech Corporation has begun extracting, buying and selling crude corn oil that it has extracted from distillers grain supplied by Utica Energy, LLC’s Oshkosh ethanol plant. Distillers grains are the solids remaining after fermentation of grains, such as corn. GS CleanTech’s patent-pending Corn Oil Extraction Systems were engineered to help ethanol producers increase cash flow through the introduction of a third and novel revenue stream. It extracts about 7 million gallons per year of crude corn oil. The company’s extraction technology also reduces overall plant emissions and utility costs by upwards of US$1 million per year for a 100 million gallon per year ethanol plant that dries 100% of its distiller’s grains. (June 29, 2007)