“Green island” pilot plan for Koh Phaluay
The Energy Ministry in Thailand plans to turn Surat Thani’s Koh Phaluay into a pilot “green island” in terms of reliance on clean energy, as part of its quest to establish a green-living environment on all islands across the country. Phaluay, inhabited by 180 households with 438 villagers, was chosen as the pilot island from 936 candidate islands in 19 provinces, because of its community participation, renewable energy resources, beautiful location, the number of residents and their energy consumption. Agricultural land encompasses 4,000 to 5,000 rai (1,581 to 1,976 acres). The project was officially unveiled February 19 as part of the anti-global-warming campaign. If these projects proceed as planned, the island will be able to cut diesel consumption and reduce carbon emissions by 250 tons per year. (February 15, 2011)