Global automakers launch website to highlight fuel economy gains

The Association of Global Automakers has launched to highlight its members’ efforts to meet increased fuel economy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards. is aimed at policymakers to educate them about the necessity of maintaining a comprehensive and harmonized national approach to fuel economy and GHG standards. “We want to make sure lawmakers and regulators understand that avoiding a patchwork of differing federal and state standards that provide no significant environmental benefit is the best way to meet the nation’s environmental goals,” said Mike Stanton, Global Automakers president and CEO. “From our members’ perspective, it is absolutely essential to provide them the ability to design, build and introduce into the marketplace the types of advanced technology vehicles consumers want to buy.” The website also provides visitors with a tutorial on the fuel economy and GHG standards rulemaking process and political history and videos explaining the functionality and benefits of the latest green technologies that will help automakers meet those standards. The Association of Global Automakers, Inc. represents international motor vehicle manufacturers, original equipment suppliers, and other automotive-related trade associations. For more information, visit (March 5, 2012)