GE introduces technology to lower fuel costs for gas turbine owners
GE has introduced a new flexible fuel blending technology for the company’s Frame 7FA gas turbines. The new flexible fuel blending technology reduces the amount of natural gas fuel required by turbines. It will help turbine operators reduce fuel costs and overall operating expenses. It also offers a more efficient use of process gases. The new system is being installed at U.S.-based Dow Chemical’s Plaquemine, Louisiana facility. “Working with GE, we were able to use excess process gas more efficiently, which has reduced the amount of fuel required to power the turbines,” said Fred Moore of Dow Chemical. “Our new fuel blending solution allows operators to use process gas to displace a portion of the natural gas fuel, thereby reducing natural gas usage and fuel costs,” said Jeffrey Goldmeer of GE Power & Water. “The fuel-blending system is the latest example of GE’s commitment to continually upgrade and evolve F technology to meet the changing needs of our customers worldwide,” Goldmeer said. (August 15, 2011)