FutureShip unveils new eco ship research center in Singapore

International maritime consultant FutureShip has unveiled its new Eco Research Centre in Singapore, with the aim of conducting research to strengthen its energy efficiency solutions for the shipping sector, the company said in a joint statement with the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore.
The research center’s first project, namely analytical ship performance evaluation and management, aims to study ships which are currently in operation and analyze any reduced performance in the ships’ hull and machinery and then provide remedies in an analytical manner.
“The usage of the tool will certainly help operators conserve energy,” Khorshed Alam, managing director of FutureShip Singapore said.
“In combination with many other energy saving measures, such as slow steaming and trim optimization, this tool will contribute to improve the bottom line of the company and will result into reduced fuel consumption,” he added.
FutureShip, which focuses on enhancing ships’ fuel efficiency in both their design and operation, is the maritime engineering and consultancy subsidiary of Germanischer Lloyd (GL).
FutureShip’s new center in Singapore will conduct a number of research and development projects over the next five years.
“The projects will be aligned with the environmental caring philosophy and preparedness for the forthcoming International Maritime Organization’s regulations,” Alam said.
Eco design ships are increasingly becoming more relevant as international maritime organizations have added pressure to industry players to look at environmental sustainability.
“IMO regulations are already in place and there is an Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). So any ship to be built from January 2013 onwards has to maintain a certain specification. If you are above the IMO index then you will be penalized and pay more [for] bunker fuel in [the] future. That bunker levy rule has not come out yet, but it is expected by the industry,” Alam said.
The EEDI is expected to come down progressively every five years and this means ships must be made which emit less carbon dioxide moving forward.
Eco design ships are more economical and allow for reduced fuel consumption. For one ton of bunker fuel burnt, roughly three tons of carbon dioxide are emitted from the ships’ exhaust, Alam added.
But with eco design ships, energy efficient design means less bunker fuel used and translates to lower emissions, thus contributing less of a carbon footprint to its surroundings.
Fuel takes up 40-60% of a vessel’s total operation costs and is one area shipowners are looking at to cut costs, with eco design ships as a possible economical solution in the long run.
(May 30, 2013)