Fluitec introduces the RULER View for lubricant antioxidant monitoring

Fluitec RulerNew Jersey-based Fluitec has introduced the RULER View(TM), a lubrication failure mode diagnostic tool, which provides critical insight into the health of lubricants not visible with other condition monitoring and oil analysis testing technologies. The RULER View is a technological advancement of Fluitec’s flagship condition monitoring product, the RULER, a patented technology to determine the remaining useful life of lubricants.
In many applications such as turbines, hydraulics, compressors and jet engines, oxidation is the primary mode of failure. In these applications, the most important additive components are antioxidants and monitoring the health of these antioxidants provides critical predictive value. Use of the RULER View condition-based monitoring (CBM) technology, provides the full picture of a fluid’s antioxidant health and remaining useful life.
There are four ASTM standards written around the RULER Technology, including ASTM D7590, D6971, D6810 and D7527.