Filipino consumers need to be educated on ethanol

Though oil companies have offered fuel blended with 10% ethanol, the Philippine consumer needs to be educated, particularly with regards to engine compatibility. The country’s Biofuels Act of 2006 required that 5% ethanol be blended with petroleum gasoline starting February. The government said it would start a campaign to promote the use of biofuels. However, it has not provided a specific time line for the information drive. Royal Dutch Shell P.L.C., which offered the blend as early as 2006, is selling E10 at Php0.50 (US$0.01) to Php0.75 (US$0.02) cheaper than conventional gasoline. Chevron Corp., meanwhile, said it has incurred losses arising from offering cheaper E-10 to attract more customers. To help drivers who have complained about the performance of E-10 compared to regular gasoline, the Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines, Inc. (CAMPI) advised drivers of non-fuel injected cars to first consult accredited service shops to know if their cars use E10. (March 8/9, 2009)