EPGC paves way for smart grid solutions in Singapore

A*STAR Chairman Lim Chuan Poh Groundbreaking of the Experimental Power Grid Centre (EPGC) on Jurong Island by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research or A*STAR will pave the way for cutting-edge R&D to develop Singapore as a living laboratory for smart grid solutions. Four companies, namely, Rolls Royce, Vestas, SP PowerGrid and CEI Contract Manufacturing entered into strategic partnerships with A*STAR to develop smart grid and distributed energy solutions. The technologies and solutions being jointly developed will form the key components to be integrated into the intelligent grid system. “Smart grid R&D is critical to transforming Singapore into a smart energy economy and EPGC is an important enabling infrastructure that will bring us a step closer to realizing an intelligent national energy grid,” said Lim Chuan Poh, A*STAR chairman. (July 16, 2010)