EcoloCap delivers first emulsion fuel plant to Chile
Chicago-based EcoloCap Solutions Inc. said it has delivered the first of four emulsion fuel plants called NPU-10 to Empresas Energy Partners, a Chilean utility company. “This is the culmination of years of research and development and the ultimate demonstration o our technology, as well as the first delivery in a program that should result in over US$27 million in sales of equipment and close to US$54 million a year in sales of additives,” said Robert M. Egger Jr., chief operating officer. The NPU-10 produces 10 metric tons of M-Fuel per 24 hour period and can emulsify diesel, kerosene and other heavy fuel oils. M-Fuel is an emulsion of 70% diesel, 30% water, and a proprietary additive. According to the company, independent tests have shown a 90% reduction in particulate emissions and 65% reduction in nitrogen oxides can be achieved by M-Fuel,while producing the same efficiency as the original unprocessed fuel. EPC expects to save a minimum of 20% on fuel costs of fuel by utilizing M-Fuel. (July 8, 2011)